Crosswind has a great influen ce on the operation safety of vehicles on long-span bridges.To explore the relationship between the characteristic parameters of the crosswind and the traffic operation safety of the long-span bridge,the Yellow River Bridge with frequent crosswinds was taken as the experimental section,and the relationship between traffic accidents and the distribution of crosswinds on the bridge was analyzed.A fitting relationship model of traffic operation coordination of the long-span bridge under the action of the crosswind was established.The study shows that the occurrence of crosswinds in each season is highly discrete.The crosswind is the main cause of vehicle overturning on the bridge,and rear-end collision,scraping,and collision accidents are directly or indirectly affected by crosswinds.Combined with the operation speed distribution of the vehicle,coordination of traffic operation in spring and fall is poor,and the operation speed is consistent with the crosswind distribution.By using the Poly nonlinear surface fitting method,the seasonal function model of operation speed,crosswind speed,and wind direction is established.According to the goodness of fit and significance test results of the model,the goodness of fit R 2 of the model is greater than 0.8,and the fitting results meet the requirements of convergence and statistics.By eliminating seasonal characteristics of crosswinds,a general traffic operation safety model of long-span bridges under the action of crosswinds is established,which improves the applicability of the model.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Quanjun, SHEN; Zijian, WANG; Xiaoliang, XING; Yu, ZHANG; Lixiao, GAO; and Liang, CHEN
"Influence of Crosswind on Traffic Operation Safety of Long‑Span Bridges,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
3, Article 13.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.03.013
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