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Seamless expansion joint is a new type of bridge expansion joint.In order to study the road performance of resin elastomer for seamless expansion joints,the feasibility of applying resin elastomer to small and medium displacement expansion joints of bridges was explored.Through the rutting test at 60 ℃, low-temperature beam bending test at −10 ℃,dynamic modulus test,Poisson's ratio test,and overlay test (OT),the high and low temperature stability,deformation performance,and fatigue crack resistance of the resin elastomer were compared.The test results show that the dynamic stability of the resin elastomer at 60 ℃ is more than 31 000 times/mm,and the bending strain at low temperature of −10 ℃ exceeds 43 000 × 10‒6.Under different temperatures and load conditions,the dynamic modulus is 10‒12 MPa,and the Poisson's ratio of tension/compression is 0.03‒0.05.The fracture energy of OT is 59% higher than that of the TST elastoplastic body.The resin elastomer for seamless expansion joints of bridges has excellent high and low temperature performance,and it is insensitive to temperature and load frequency.Therefore,it is a material with a low Poisson ’s ratio and strong fatigue crack resistance and can better meet the driving and deformation requirements of small and medium displacement expansion joints of bridges.

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February 2025


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