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Based on the Wujiagang Yangtze River bridge project in Yichang,the interfacial shear strength and pull-out strength of the second-order thermosetting epoxy asphalt material between RA asphalt concrete and high viscoelastic SMA asphalt concrete in pavement structure were studied under different spraying amount,different first-stage curing time,different curing time,and different service temperatures.In addition,the influence of spraying amount on shear fatigue resistance was studied.The results show that with the increase in the spraying amount of the second-order thermosetting epoxy asphalt,the adhesive performance and shear strength are improved,and the shear fatigue resistance of the structure is enhanced.At a construction ambient temperature of 25‒35 ℃,the construction interval of second-order thermosetting epoxy asphalt layer and high viscoelastic SMA asphalt concrete is recommended to be 44‒52 h.Closed curing time after construction should be more than 7 days.The second-order thermosetting epoxy asphalt layer can achieve the shear strength of ≥3.8 MPa and pull-out strength of ≥1.7 MPa of the composite pavement structure at 25 ℃,as well as shear strength of ≥1.7 MPa and pull-out strength of ≥0.9 MPa at 60 ℃.The research results have guiding significance for the application of second-order thermosetting epoxy asph alt material in bridge deck paving engineering.

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February 2025


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