

In order to reveal the influence of adsorbed bound water on the strength and permeability characteristics of high liquid limit soil,the initial adsorbed bound water content of the high liquid limit soil specimens from Hunan and Hainan was controlled by different concentrations of sodium chloride solution,and thermogravimetric analysis method was used to determine the content.The direct shear test,unconfined compressive strength test,and permeability test were carried out.The results show that the adsorbed bound water content decreases with the increase in salt solution concentration,while the strong bound water content is basically unchanged.The adsorbed bound water has a high viscosity,low activity,and certain solid-like properties.With the decrease in the adsorbed bound water content,the shear strength and compressive strength of the specimens decrease.In the process of permeation,the permeability coefficient first increases and then decreases with the decrease in adsorbed bound water content,but the final permeability coefficient is greater than the initial value.The research results can provide a reference for the use of high liquid limit soil as subgrade filler.

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February 2025


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