

Anti-collision steel pontoo n has good plasticity and energy absorption properties in ship-bridge collision.To explore the factors affecting the anti-collision performance of the anti-collision pontoon,a collision model composed of ship,anti-collision pontoon,and pier system was built based on finite element software Ansys/LS-DYNA.The collision mechanism and process were numerically simulated,and the effects of connection type between anti-collision pontoon and pier,peak angle of pontoon,and anti-collision pontoon stiffness on the collision force of the pier were investigated.The three-stage division method of collision force curve was put forward.The analysis shows that the fixed inwall of the anti-collision steel pontoon and connection to the pier surface can reduce collision force.The maximum collision force increases with the increase in distance between anti-collision pontoon and pier.The appropriate value range of the peak angle of the pontoon is 80° ‒100°.The steel plate thickness of the collision zone of the anti-collision pontoon has an optimal value.With the increase in steel plate thickness of the non-collision zone,the maximum collision force will increase,but the increase amplitude will decrease when it exceeds 8 mm.

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February 2025


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