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To provide a reasonable meth od for calculating the surrounding rock pressure in shallow buried unsymmetrial pressure tunnels under variable slope conditions for tunnel design,to establish a model for calculating the surrounding rock pressure in shallow buried unsymmetrial pressure tunnels under variable slope conditions,and to employ the principle of ultimate equilibrium to derived the formula for calculating the surrounding rock pressure.The intermediate variable β' is introduced as the base for selecting the unsymmetrial pressure tunnels surrounding rock pressure calculation method under variable slope conditions,and the derived formulas in this paper are verified by comparing the calculated values of the normative formulas with the measured values of the tunnel surrounding rock pressure.Results of the study:The equations in this paper are verified to be reasonable and practical by comparison.Analysis of the calculation formula shows that when the natural slope angle increases,the horizontal side pressure coefficient λ1 increases;when the cohesive force increases,the horizontal side pressure coefficient λ2 tends to increase first and then decrease;when the variable slope angle increases,the horizontal side pressure coefficient λ2 will decrease.Studies have shown that the presence of variable slope in a deviated tunnel will affect the surrounding rock pressure on the side of the variable slope section of the tunnel,and it is necessary to use the formula for calculating the surrounding rock pressure for the variable slope conditions in this paper.

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February 2025


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