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In order to study the dynamic response rule of overlying buildings during blasting construction in shallow buried tunnels,the urban tunnel in Fuzhou was taken as the engineering background,and the on-site monitoring and Ansys/LS-DYNA simulation were used to analyze the structural response of overlying buildings.The monitoring results show that the building is most obviously affected by blasting in the vertical direction and has an obvious elevation amplification effect,and the maximum vibration velocity is 2.45 cm/s.The vibration velocity in all directions gradually decreases and tends to be stable with the increase in explosion center distance and decays rapidly when the explosion center distance is small.The dominant frequency of vertical vibration is closer to the natural frequency of the building and is mainly concentrated between 25 and 35 Hz.The numerical simulation results are consistent with the monitoring results,and further analysis shows that the maximum peak vibration velocities under grade Ⅲ‒V surrounding rock at the same measuring point are 2.29,2.51,and 2.79 cm/s,respectively.A higher grade of surrounding rock indicates a stronger vibration response of surface buildings.The mechanical response of structures such as building columns and plates is closely related to the change in vibration velocity.The vibration velocity in all directions caused by blasting should be fully considered for building protection.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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