

This paper selected a weaving area on Jingshi Road in Jinan,China as the investigation object to study the characteristics of traffic conflicts and the safety level of each lane in the weaving area between the entrance of an urban trunk road and a signal-controlled intersection.In this research,a signal period was set as the investigation interval,traffic conflicts were identified as the research basis,and the collision time (TTTC) was selected as the index.Severity thresholds of traffic conflicts were established by using the cumulative frequency method,and a model was constructed to represent the relationship among the overall traffic volume,traffic density,and the number of traffic conflicts in the weaving area.Principal component analysis was conducted to evaluate the safety of each lane in the weaving area between the entrance of the urban trunk road and the signal-controlled intersection.The evaluation indexes included the severity level of traffic conflicts and the traffic flow of each lane.The results show that in weaving areas with low traffic volume and density,traffic conflicts increase with rising traffic volume and density.When the overall traffic volume reaches 288 vehicles/ (3.5 min ) and the traffic density reaches 419 vehicles/km,the traffic flow becomes a forced flow.In addition,safety evaluations of each lane reveal a significant distinction in safety levels,with lanes adjacent to the entrance of the trunk road exhibiting lower safety.It has proven that principal component analysis provides accurate and reliable results for evaluating lanes in weaving areas.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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