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As one of the common diseases of asphalt pavement,rutting has significant impacts on the service life and traffic safety of the pavement.Mild rutting in asphalt pavement during preventive maintenance can lead to increased use of maintenance materials due to rutting deformation.Accurately calculating the amount of materials needed to fill rutting in maintenance designs is of great significance for ensuring maintenance quality and efficiency.Based on the requirements of maintenance engineering,this paper analyzed the problems in maintenance designs that use traditional methods and the data they generate for rutting detection.A design method was proposed for rutting prevention and maintenance in asphalt pavement,assisted by digital holographic 3D detection.With this detection technology,continuous high-precision 3D data of road surfaces were obtained,and a 3D model was constructed.The amount of materials needed to fill rutting was accurately calculated through simulation,indicating that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of preventive maintenance.The results from physical testing show that the proposed design method can achieve a negative deviation of material usage for rutting prevention and maintenance within 5%.The method is highly effective compared with maintenance designs based on tr aditional detection methods and data (with a negative deviation of material usage exceeding 50%).

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Submission Date

February 2025


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