Water damage to embankments serious ly affects the normal operation of highways,so it is extremely important to ensure the stability of the embankment.In addition,it is necessary to analyze the mechanism and study the safety control measures for water-damaged landslides of the embankment.A highway subgrade embankment was studied,and the causes and formation mechanism of the landslide were qualitatively analyzed based on the on-site deformation monitoring and stability calculation.Then,the stability coefficients of different reinforcement schemes were calculated.An appropriate reinforcement scheme was recommended by considering the project cost,construction technology,and construction period.The results indicate that uneven settlement of the embankment stratum is the fundamental cause of landslides under the influence of continuous rainfall.As rainfall accumulates in the depression on the left side of the embankment and penetrates into the soil layer,swelling and softening of clay layers and blockage of drainage channels further accelerate the formation of landslides.The composite reinforcement scheme of steel pipe piles and backfill back pressure meets the stability requirements,and the reinforcement effect is good.
Publication Date
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Minghua, HU; Baiyong, ZHANG; and Kui, XU
"Mechanism of Water‑Damaged Landslides of Embankments and Comparison of Reinforcement Measures,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
3, Article 3.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.03.003
Available at:
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