Chlorine salt snow-melting agent has been widely used because of its excellent ice-melting and snow-removing performance,low price,and easy access.In order to explore the problems of different temperature applicability,non-uniform standard,and rough spreading methods of chlorine salt snow-melting agents,this paper analyzed the influence of temperature,solid and liquid state,and spreading methods on the ice-melting performance of three commonly used chlorine salt snow-melting agents,namely NaCl,CaCl2,and MgCl2,through an improved SHRP ice-melting test.The test results show that the ice-melting performance of the chlorine salt snow-melting agent has strong temperature sensitivity.MgCl2 and CaCl2 snow-melting agents have an exothermic effect during the melting process.The ice-melting efficiency of the same chlorine salt snow-melting agent in the solid state is higher than that in the liquid state.The ice-melting efficiency of the same kind of chlorine salt snow-melting agent is different under different spreading methods,and the linear spreading shows the strongest ice-melting performance.Based on the test results,it is suggested to use the solid-state linear spreading method and select the appropriate snow-melting agent according to the ambient temperature.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Ice‑Melting TestLYU Yuejing, SHRP; Bo, DANG; Zhiwei, ZHANG; Wen, TANG; and Yu, FAN
"Performance of Chlorine Salt Snow‑Melting Agent Based on Improved,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
3, Article 30.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.03.030
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