To evaluate the fatigue performance of Qingchuan rock modified asphalt mixture,a dynamic wheel-load three-point bending loading fatigue test device based on an accelerated loading test system of 1∶3 scale pavement was designed.The three-point bending repeated loading fatigue test of a composite rutting specimen of double-layer asphalt mixture under tire rolling was carried out.Through the MTS bending fatigue test of a small beam specimen of asphalt mixture,the improvement effects of Qingchuan rock modified asphalt and composite modified asphalt on the fatigue performance of the asphalt mixture were evaluated.The results show that Qingchuan rock modified asphalt can improve the ability of asphalt mixture to withstand repeated bending and tensile loads and enhance the fatigue resistance of asphalt mixture,and its fatigue resistance is better than that of Qingchuan rock asphalt,SBS composite modified asphalt,SBS modified asphalt,and base asphalt.The dynamic wheel-load three-point bending repeated loading fatigue test based on the accelerated loading test of 1∶3 scale pavement provides a more realistic simulation of the wheel load action in the field,reduces the effect of the size effect of the small beam specimen on the fatigue life,and reproduces the force condition of the pavement structure under the wheel load action.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Zhi, LI; Yan, HAO; Xiaoman, YUAN; and Chuanyi, ZHUANG
"Fatigue Performance of Qingchuan Rock Modified Asphalt Mixture under Accelerated Loading Test,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
3, Article 9.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.03.009
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