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Asphalt pavement is prone to pla stic deformation and aggregate raveling when it is in torsion.At present,there is no standard test method and equipment to evaluate the torsional resistance of asphalt mixtures.In order to study the effective evaluation method for the torsional shear resistance of asphalt mixtures,this paper introduced the structures and working principles of three kinds of equipment developed in Japan.The torsional resistance of five typical asphalt mixtures was evaluated by rotating wheel tracking tests,and factors affecting the torsional resistance of asphalt mixtures were analyzed.The results show that the types of structures and binders of asphalt mixtures have an obvious influence on the torsional resistance of asphalt mixtures.Though I-D modified asphalt SMA- 13 mixtures and high-viscosity modified asphalt OGFC- 13 mixtures have similar dynamic stability,the torsional resistance of void-skeleton asphalt mixtures is worse than that of dense-skeleton ones.The torsional resistance of asphalt mixtures with different types of binders in descending order is high-viscosity modified asphalt + high modulus additive,high-viscosity modified asphalt,and I-D modified asphalt.Although semi-flexible pavement has excellent torsional resistance,it cracks easily.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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