

In order to promote the reuse of waste tires and reduce environmental pollution,chips were replaced with the same volume of waste tire rubber particles to prepare a new rubber particle chip seal pavement.In order to ensure the bonding between asphalt and aggregate of the rubber particle chip seal,the surface of rubber particles was processed,and the texture characteristics of chip seal specimens with different aggregate particle sizes and rubber content were evaluated.The five indexes of rubber particle content,aggregate particle size ratio,shedding rate,structural depth,and pendulum friction coefficient were correlated and evaluated by SPSS,and the MMLS 3 test was conducted to simulate the driving load,so as to explore the influence of external water temperature on the bonding strength.The results show that the rubber particles pre-coated with 1.5% hot asphalt can effectively improve the aggregate shedding of the chip seal.The shedding rate and structural depth will increase with the increase in particle size in the range of 7.1‒9.5 mm and rubber particle ratio.The pendulum friction coefficient shows the opposite trend with the increase in rubber particle content.The influence of low-temperature single factor on the aggregate shedding of the chip seal is greater than that of high temperature and water immersion,while water-temperature coupling will aggravate the looseness of aggregates.Overall,in order to ensure that the chip seal aggregate and asphalt have good bonding strength,the rubber particle content and the amount of hot asphalt for coating should not exceed 50.0% and 1.5%,respectively.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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