When the construction of a cable-stayed bridge enters the completion stage,due to various factors,there is a certain error between the actual alignment and internal force of the structure and the theoretical completion state,and it is usually necessary to adjust the cable force.In order to calculate the cable force adjustment of a cable-stayed bridge in the adjustment stage,a method based on an influence matrix and sequential quadratic programming was proposed to solve the cable force adjustment.A large-span hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge was taken as the background,and the alignment and internal force response values of the structure with varying cable units were calculated to obtain the influence matrix of the cable force.Then,suitable objective functions and constraints were selected to construct the calculation model of the cable force adjustment.Finally,the sequential quadratic programming method was introduced to solve the cable force adjustment,and the internal force and alignment state of the structure after the cable force adjustment were obtained.The calculation results show that the method facilitates calculation,and the alignment and internal force of the structure after the cable force adjustment can meet the construction control requirements.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Yufeng, XU; Mengyang, ZHU; Si, CHEN; and Yunfei, XIE
"Application of Sequential Quadratic Programming Method in Cable Force Adjustment of Cable‑Stayed Bridges,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
4, Article 17.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.04.017
Available at:
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