As one of the main structures of highways,a culvert has the characteristics of large quantity and wide range.Affected by design and construction factors,engineering diseases of culverts have been prominent for a long time.With the extensive promotion of the green highway construction concept and the continuous updating of technical standards and design specifications,the original general drawing of culverts fails to meet the needs of the sustainable and healthy development of highway construction under the new situation.Hunan Provincial Communications Planning,Survey & Design Institute has conducted extensive and in-depth investigation and research on the key technologies of highway culvert design and prepared a new version of general drawings of culvert,which can meet the requirements of sustainable development of highway construction,and it serves as a powerful promotion and application of bridge and culvert construction standardization.
Publication Date
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Xiaoming, PENG; Yukun, LI; Qiong, HU; and Yutao, XIA
"Research on General Drawing Design Technologies for Cover Culverts in Hunan Province,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
4, Article 18.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.04.018
Available at:
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