The collision accident types of middle piers of overpass bridges were summarized and analyzed,and it was proven that anti-collision and anti-scratching were two important requirements of pier protection.Then,the new concept of double protection and corresponding technical schemes were put forward.The first protection adopted the way of setting concrete barriers or ship-shaped elevating members on the periphery of the pier to prevent vehicles from impacting the pier,and the second protection used the self-wrapped steel plate or aluminum foam plate to prevent vehicles from scratching the pier.The safety of the pier protection structure schemes was verified by computer simulation and unit test,and their roles of anti-collision and anti-scratching were evaluated.The results show that the safety of people,vehicles,and bridges can be better protected,and accident severity and damage are reduced.Therefore,the schemes are beneficial for later maintenance and durability of bridge piers and have been applied and recognized in practical engineering.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Sizhong, LYU; Xin, WANG; Jianmin, GUO; Siyuan, LIU; Yuxin, LI; and Fuyu, YANG
"Protection Design of Middle Piers of Overpass Bridges Based on Double Protection Concept,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
4, Article 19.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.04.019
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