

In order to study the effect of temperature change on the bound water content adsorbed by high liquid limit clay and the deformation law of high liquid limit clay embankment,the high liquid limit clay in Hainan Province was selected as the primary research object and compared with the low liquid limit sand in Hunan Province.The effect of temperature on the bound water content adsorbed by high liquid limit clay was explored through a nuclear magnetic resonance test.In addition,the effect of temperature on the deformation of high liquid limit clay embankments was analyzed through the consolidation test with a temperature-controlled consolidometer.The molecular dynamics simulation software was used to reveal the mechanism of temperature affecting water adsorption by kaolinite from the microscopic level.The results show that when the temperature rises from 5 ℃ to 45 ℃,the bound water adsorbed by high liquid limit clay decreases by 4.3 percentage points,much greater than that adsorbed by low liquid limit sand (a decrease by 1.4 percentage points).Under constant temperature and the same load path,the pore ratio of high liquid limit clay changes significantly with the temperature increase.In contrast,low liquid limit sand is almost unaffected,indicating that high liquid limit clay is more temperature-sensitive.The rise in temperature under constant pressure can weaken water adsorption by kaolinite.Under the same heating path,higher pressure indicates more water adsorbed by kaolinite.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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