In view of the random monitori ng of fum e emission in asphalt pavement construction sites,combined with the engineering application of fresh asphalt in the construction of hot-mixed and hot-spread asphalt pavement in large and long tunnels for fume emission reduction,the fume collection and evaluation method of asphalt pavement construction sites were studied,and the emission reduction effect of fresh asphalt was evaluated.The Summa tanks were used to collect the asphalt fume at different positions of the paver,and the asphalt fume was quantitatively analyzed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS).The results show that compared with the non-fresh asphalt from the same source,the fresh asphalt reduces the total mass concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the asphalt fume at the edge of the paver,the middle of the paver flank,and the upper position of the paver by 57.0%,22.6%,and 27.4% during pavement construction,respectively.The fresh asphalt mixture reduces the total mass concentration of class 1 and 2 carcinogens by 62.3% at the edge of the paver during construction,and the odor intensity is only about 1/3 of the non-fresh asphalt mixture.The study suggests that the total mass concentration of VOCs,the total mass concentration of carcinogens exceeding class 2,and the odor intensity at the edge of the paver should be used as the key environmental impact assessment indexes for fume emission monitoring in the asphalt pavement construction site.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Wenti, DENG; Guilian, ZOU; Yuan, ZHANG; Liang, YU; and Huiduan, XIE
"Fume Emission and Environmental Impact Assessment in Fresh Asphalt Tunnel Construction Site,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
4, Article 25.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.04.025
Available at:
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