

In order to better prevent tunnel concrete from cracking,the development law of concrete temperature and strain was studied.Based on the connection project of Sanjiang Middle Road in the Smart New City of Quzhou,a data acquisition system was established to monitor concrete temperature and strain on site.The defects of the traditional method that the temperature and strain monitoring are insensitive,and the monitoring data is discontinuous were overcome.In addition,the high-performance double grating temperature-strain sensor was used to simultaneously monitor the temperature and strain at the same position,and the temperature compensation method was used to overcome the influence of the ambient temperature on the monitoring results and improve the accuracy of the monitoring results.The monitoring results were analyzed to reveal the development law of temperature and strain during tunnel concrete construction.The analysis shows that the change of temperature with time can be divided into the initial stage,rapid heating stage,slow cooling stage,and stable stage.The variation trend of strain is similar to that of temperature,and the strain peak appears slightly later than the temperature.Due to the influence of various factors such as maintenance conditions,boundary conditions,and reinforcement arrangement,the strains of different measuring points are quite different in the horizontal direction.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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