With the continuous promotion of China ’s strategy of building the country with a strong transportation network,the proportion of high-grade highways in the road network continues to increase,and the number of traffic safety facilities is increasing.Xilingol League in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has a long winter and strong wind,which is one of the typical areas in China deeply affected by snow drift disasters.Through field investigation,it is found that “road snow resistance ” “visual range obstacle ” and other snow drift disasters caused by traffic safety facilities are also increasingly prominent,which seriously restricts the effective play of road transportation functions and seriously affects the economic and social development of the region.Among them,the number and severity of road sections with snow drift disasters caused by anti-collision guardrails are far greater than those by other traffic safety facilities.Therefore,based on the field investigation and analysis of the snow drift disasters on the Xilingol League Highway,this paper mainly studied the impact and action law of the anti-collision guardrail,a highway traffic safety facility,on the wind speed and flow field of the integral highway subgrade section through computer simulation.It made up for the lag and deficiency in the research on the formation mechanism of snow drift disasters caused by anti-collision guardrails and provided a theoretical basis for the layout of highway anti-collision guardrails and snow disaster prevention in areas suffering from snow drift in China.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Guodong, PENG; Jianfeng, XI; Siyuan, ZHANG; Min, LI; Ziwei, LIU; and Ruimin, XING
"Mechanism of Anti‑Collision Guardrails to Snow Drift Disasters on Highways,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
4, Article 28.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.04.028
Available at:
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