Intelligent compaction,as a new type of road construction quality monitoring and management technology,has been widely used in the compaction process of asphalt pavement.However,due to the lack of understanding of the compaction process and the interaction mechanism between asphalt mixture particles,the problems of over-compaction and non-uniformity of compaction often occur in the actual construction,which seriously affects the quality of road construction and service performance.In this study,through the combination of the engineering field and indoor tests,the variation characteristics of asphalt mixture compaction with the number of compaction were analyzed by using the semi-variance function of the geostatistical model,and the effect of temperature on the mixture compaction was discussed.Moreover,through the indoor gyratory compactor and SmartRock sensor,the force and rotational angle characteristics of mixture particles were revealed from the fine scale under different compaction temperatures.The results show that the size and uniformity of compaction are not always positively correlated with the number of compaction.Over-compaction may result in lower compaction and uniformity.Meanwhile,the variation of field compaction temperature has a significant effect on the compaction of mixtures.At higher temperatures,the compaction of the asphalt mixture increases faster,and the final compaction uniformity is higher.Through the quantitative study of the fine-scale response of the mixture by considering the force and rotational angle characteristics by SmartRock sensor,it is found that the dynamic response within the mixture can directly reflect the asphalt mixture compaction changes,and the temperature change and compaction effect do not always show a positive correlation.Only in the appropriate temperature range,the asphalt mixture can achieve the best compaction effect.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Huifang, ZHU and Liang, WANG
"Intelligent Compaction of Asphalt Pavement and Its Key Influencing Factors,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
4, Article 6.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.04.006
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