The orthotropy of granular materials is closely related to the compaction process and has a significant impact on the mechanical behavior of pavement structures.In this study,in order to study the effect of the compaction process on the orthotropy of granular materials,different compaction methods and compaction energies were employed to compact granular materials for pavement into specimens,and improved dynamic resilient mechanical tests were conducted.Orthotropic coefficients (α2) of typical granular materials were obtained,and the finite element method was used to conduct mechanical analysis of asphalt pavement structures considering the orthotropy of granular materials.The results show that the dry density of specimens by gyratory compaction is slightly higher than that of specimens by impact compaction.Increasing compaction energy will increase the dry density and orthotropy of granular materials.Under low compaction energy,the orthotropy of granular materials by gyratory compaction is more significant,while under high compaction energy,the orthotropy of granular materials by impact compaction is more significant.The orthotropy of granular materials has a significant impact on the critical responses of asphalt pavement structures.Ignoring the orthotropy of granular materials will underestimate the risk of pavement structure damage.Moreover,considering the orthotropy of granular materials in pavement structure calculation can improve the tensile stress at the bottom of the granular material base and better reflect the actual situation.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
You, HUANG; Yunbao, ZHANG; Zhaohui, LIU; Yu, PAN; Zebin, LIU; and Ronghai, FANG
"Compaction Characteristics of Granular Material and its Structural Mechanical Behavior Considering Orthotropy,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
5, Article 12.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.05.012
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