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To study the performance of basalt fiber in improving the poor angularity of the crushed cobble base,based on the orthogonal test,this paper determined that the optimal dosage of basalt fiber in the cement-stabilized crushed cobble was 1 kg/m3 (15 mm) + 2 kg/m3 (25 mm).Besides,unconfined compressive strength and splitting strength tests were carried out on mixtures under three working conditions including the cement-stabilized crushed cobble,cement-stabilized crushed cobble with the optimal dosage of basalt fiber,and cement-stabilized macadam (limestone machine-crushed stone ).The results show that influenced by the aggregate angularity,the strength of the cement-stabilized macadam (limestone machine-crushed stone ) mixture is better than that of the cement-stabilized crushed cobble mixture.For the cement-stabilized crushed cobble with the optimal dosage of basalt fiber,with the increase in curing age,its strength increases rapidly.Compared with the cement-stabilized crushed cobble without a dosage of fiber,its compressive strength is decreased by 0.08% on the seventh day and increased by 3.9%,17.1%,and 28.3% on the fourteenth day,the twenty-eighth day,and the sixtieth day respectively,and its splitting strength is increased by 4.3%,10.2%,19.0%,and 28.7% on the seventh day,the fourteenth day,the twenty-eighth day,and the sixtieth day,respectively.On the forty-fifth day,the strength of the cement-stabilized crushed cobble with a dosage of fiber reaches the strength of the cement-stabilized macadam (limestone machine-crushed stone ).

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Submission Date

February 2025


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