Beam-arch composite rigid frame bridge is a new bridge type,and it has few vessel collision studies.By taking the Lijia Jialing River Bridge as the engineering background,the standard value of vessel collision force and anti-collision performance of the long-span beam-arch composite rigid frame bridge were studied.After determining the representative vessel type and vessel collision calculation conditions,the vessel-bridge collision processes of the single-pier models under various calculation scenarios were simulated by using ANSYS/LS-DYNA nonlinear finite element transient dynamic software.The simulation results of collision forces were compared with the results of several empirical formulas.Finally,the full bridge model and the ultimate bearing capacity of the checked section were used,and the ultimate anti-collision force of the piers was obtained.Then,the anti-collision performance of the pier was evaluated.The results show that the vessel collision forces have a strong nonlinear fluctuation feature;the time when the maximum collision depth occurs lags behind the time when the maximum collision force occurs;the system energy during the vessel-bridge collision is mainly converted from the vessel kinetic energy to the internal energy of the local deformation of the bow.The results of different empirical formulas of vessel collision force vary greatly,and the dynamic simulation values are recommended.The checking results of the ultimate anti-collision force show that the anti-collision performance of the main piers of the Lijia Jialing River Bridge meets the requirements.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Wenming, ZHANG; Zhiwei, WANG; and Yaping, LAI
"Vessel Collision Force and Anti‑Collision Performance of Long‑Span Beam‑Arch Composite Rigid Frame Bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
5, Article 14.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.05.014
Available at:
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