To clarify the influence of stress ratio on the fatigue life of high strength steel wire and verify the applicability of the fracture mechanics model to evaluate the fatigue life of steel wire,based on the assumption of equating wire corrosion pits to notches,fatigue tests were carried out on steel wire samples with different prefabricated notch depths at different stress ratios,and a fatigue life empirical equation considering the stress ratio effect was established.The results show that the fatigue life of the steel wire samples is significantly influenced by the stress ratio,which decreases with the increase in the stress ratio.The increase in both prefabricated notch depth and stress ratio will lead to a decrease in the fatigue strength of the steel wire samples.The fatigue life of the steel wire samples is predicted by the fracture mechanics model considering the stress ratio effect,and the predicted values are within the error band of ± 2.0 times.The fracture mechanics model has certain applicability for predicting the fatigue life of notched steel wires at different stress ratios.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Yi, ZENG; Donghuang, YAN; Hongsheng, XU; and Ying, YANG
"Experimental Study on Influence of Stress Ratio on Fatigue Life of High Strength Steel Wire,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
5, Article 18.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.05.018
Available at:
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