The precise calculation of the ship-bridge collision force is necessary for the assessment of the structural safety of the bridge and the design of an effective anti-collision system.Taking the ship-bridge issue in Furong Bridge in Xiangtan City,this paper compared the collision forces from different angles and in different locations calculated through the finite element software Ansys/LS-DYNA with the results calculated through the empirical formula,thereby determining the fortification collision forces of the bridge piers.Based on the weak anti-collision ability of the bridge double-limb thin-walled pier,the paper designed and implemented a new anti-collision system combined with composite and concrete-filled steel independent piles.The comparison between collision forces on the pier and independent pile with and without anti-collision devices shows that,with the anti-collision system,transverse and longitudinal collision forces under typical unfavorable conditions have a sharp decrease,which verifies the effectiveness of the system.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Yuanyuan, LIAO; Yu, LIU; Lu, ZHU; Hai, FANG; Jinrui, ZHANG; and Juan, HAN
"Design and Simulation of Anti‑Collision System on Independent Pile with External Composite,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
5, Article 20.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.05.020
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