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To study the impact resistance of Engineering Cementitious Composite (ECC) pipe piles,this paper used ANSYS/LS-DYNA to simulate the impact of a vertical drop hammer on the pipe piles.The HJC constitutive model of ECC was established based on key parameters obtained from static tension and compression tests and dynamic compression tests.The correctness of the finite element model was verified by split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) tests.The parametric analysis conducted on the pipe pile models compounded with different hammer mass and impact velocity yielded dynamic responses including the displacement,time-history curve of energy,and effective plastic strain diagrams of the pipe piles under various impact energies.The results show that under the action of vertical impact,the maximum residual deformation of ECC pipe piles is only 66.0% of that of high-strength concrete (HC) pipe piles,and the minimum residual deformation is only 13.7% of that;in addition,the proportion of deformation energy released by ECC pipe piles is 6.26 times that of HC pipe piles on average.These results show that ECC pipe piles have better damage resistance and elastic recovery ability than HC pipe piles.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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