

In the face of resource depletion,high energy consumption in production,high carbon emissions,and serious pollution brought by traditional pumpcrete raw materials,a variety of new raw materials have been gradually developed and promoted to conform with the green construction promoted by China ’s civil engineering industry,witnessing a stable increase in quality,output,and social recognition.High-quality natural river sand and pebbles are in short supply at the origin,and they can be explored in old silted river channels.Gravel and manufactured sand produced using large particle size natural pebbles,limestone,construction waste,and others as raw materials will become new substitutes.In the transformation and upgrading of production enterprises which tend to build factories in areas with transportation convenience,raw materials including cement,fly ash,and granulated blast furnace slag powder will cause uneven supply in plains,hills,mountains,and other terrains.Therefore,it is required to use local materials according to the situation in the construction site.Polycarboxylic set retarding superplasticizer,though already popularized in the market for its high efficiency,low cost,high compatibility,and convenience in construction,still needs to be more compatible with manufactured sand and other materials.The compensation shrinkage of concrete by calcium and magnesium expansion agents should be synchronized with concrete shrinkage to control shrinkage cracks and avoid structural cracking.In the preparation of pumpcrete,the investigation at the height of the life cycle of buildings,the improvement of the performance of various raw materials,and the utilization of the combination effects of raw materials are all necessary.

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February 2025


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