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To clarify the evaluation methods an d research status of mixing workability of asphalt mixture, by consulting relevant research literature in China and abroad and analyzing different evaluation methods,indexes,and research findings of the workability of asphalt mixture,the applicability and evaluation effects of different workability evaluation methods were systematically summarized,and the comparative analysis and comprehensive review were made on the main influencing factors of the mixing workability.The results show that in most evaluation methods for the mixing workability of asphalt mixture,corresponding indexes are constructed to quantitatively evaluate the workability by quantifying the resistance or energy consumption in the mixing process.Besides,in some other evaluation methods,workability can be evaluated by taking the compaction volume index or work effectiveness as indirect verification.The material composition and mixing conditions in the mixture directly affect the workability of the asphalt mixture.In addition,the improved workability can not only improve the forming and compaction performance of the mixture but also enhance the quality of road engineering.The improvement and enhancement of the evaluation method for the workability of asphalt mixture and the corresponding evaluation indexes can evaluate the workability of asphalt mixture more accurately and reasonably,which can promote the application of new road engineering technology and reduce energy consumption,pollutants,and carbon emissions.

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February 2025


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