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Settlement deformatio n is a key conc ern in soft foundation construction.Since there is still a small load applied after the filling of soft foundation in the actual project,based on the settlement monitoring data of the high-fill section of Zhaoyang West Ring Expressway in Zhaotong City,Yunnan Province,three settlement prediction methods,namely the hyperbolic method,the three-point method,and the Hoshino method,were used to predict,compare,and analyze the settlement of the fill foundation,and the fitting characteristics of each model were summarized.By comparing the fitting curves and the actual settlement curves,it was found that the loading on the roadbed will cause large errors in the prediction of settlement for the three methods;when the three prediction methods use the data of n − 1 level post-fill interval and n level post-fill interval for fitting,the effect is not as good as using the data of constant load period;for the hyperbolic method and the three-point method,longer time interval of the data points chosen for the fit indicates better prediction effect;for the Hoshino method,a better fit is achieved by using data from the constant load period.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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