In order to further reveal the internal mechanism of the influence of solid-like bound water on the deformation characteristics of high liquid limit soil,the difference in the influence of different bound water contents on the deformation of soil samples was analyzed through the comparison of dry and wet sides.Four types of high liquid limit soil with different water contents at the same dry density were used,and a low liquid limit soil was used as a comparison sample to carry out a deformation test.The volumetric flask method was used to test the content of adsorbed bound water in each test soil sample.SEM and XRD tests were carried out from the micro level of the soil sample,and compaction tests were conducted on each soil sample.The points with the same compaction degree and different water contents were selected on the compaction curve as the initial control targets for compression tests,so as to compare the deformation characteristics of the dry and wet sides of the compaction curve of high liquid limit soil.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Lingwei, QIN; Rui, ZHANG; Lu, LI; and Yupeng, XIAO
"Comparative Experimental Study on Deformation Characteristics of High Liquid Limit Soil under Different Dry and Wet States,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 10.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.010
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