In response to the current common urban construction waste disposal issue,this study utilized processed recycled construction waste aggregate and bamboo waste materials to produce bamboo fiber-reinforced eco-concrete with recycled aggregate.By adjusting the dosage of bamboo fiber,the effects of the dosage of bamboo fiber on the mechanical and vegetative performance of the concrete were systematically analyzed by means of orthogonal tests and verification methods.The test results indicate that bamboo fiber enhances the toughness of eco-concrete significantly.Particularly,when the dosage of bamboo fiber exceeds 3.0 kg/m3,there is a significant enhancement in the tensile performance of the eco-concrete with recycled aggregate.Due to the spatial network structure formed by bamboo fiber within the concrete,the highest tensile strength of the concrete reaches 4.71 MPa in the experiment.Furthermore,the vegetative performance test of concrete is carried out with an optimized mix ratio,and the test results show that bamboo fiber-reinforced eco-concrete with recycled aggregate exhibits excellent vegetative performance.The study provides reliable experimental and theoretical evidence for the application of bamboo fiber-reinforced eco-concrete with recycled aggregate in engineering.It also offers a viable solution to the urban construction waste disposal issue and promotes the sustainable utilization and recycling of construction materials.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Tao, LI; Bofan, DENG; Maolin, HE; Ting, LIU; and Houde, CHEN
"Mechanical and Vegetative Performance of Bamboo Fiber‑Reinforced Eco‑Concrete with Recycled Aggregate,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 12.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.012
Available at:
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