New Jersey safety barriers are the most commonly used form of guardrails in highway median separators due to their excellent safety protection.In response to the cost reduction and quality improvement,efficient and rapid preparation process,and quality issues of New Jersey precast concrete safety barriers,this article adopted the automation production process of New Jersey precast safety barriers,optimized concrete mix proportion for precast safety barriers,and studied their performance.The experimental results show that in the designed C 30 concrete,the compressive strength of the concrete mixed with 15% fly ash reaches 39.2 MPa,and th e slump reaches 185 mm.The concrete performance meets the requirements of the fabric.Compared with the compressive strength of concrete formed by traditional vibrating rods and integral vibrating tables,the compressive strength of concrete formed by integral vibrating tables at all ages is higher than that formed by vibrating rods,and the coefficient of variation is smaller.The concrete formed by the integral vibrating table has a smaller electrical flux at each age and better resistance to chloride ion penetration.Adjusting fly ash dosage to optimize the concrete mix proportion and applying integral vibrating compaction technology reduce concrete porosity and pore size,improve the compressive strength and durability of concrete,and efficiently and economically obtain concrete that meets the high-performance requirements of guardrails.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Lin, CHEN; Beian, LI; Yuanrui, LI; and Zixiang, ZHAO
"Optimization of Mix Proportion for New Jersey Precast Concrete Safety Barriers and Performance Tests under Integral Concrete Vibrating,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 14.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.014
Available at:
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