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There is a temperature lag effect in the deformation monitoring data of the bridge structure.Eliminating the temperature lag effect is of great significance in the health monitoring of the bridge structure.Based on the linear correlation between the deformation of the bridge structure and the temperature,this paper applied the goodness of fit test and proposed a time-domain translation elimination method.On this basis,by taking the long-term synchronous monitoring of the tower inclination,beam end displacement,main girder deflection,and temperature data of a cable-stayed bridge as an example,this method was used to eliminate the temperature lag effect in the deformation monitoring data and compared with the existing Fourier series method.The research results show that there are obvious hysteresis phenomena among the tower inclination,beam end displacement,main beam deflection,and the temperature of the bridge structure,and there is a relatively obvious hysteresis loop in the scatter plot of structural deformation and temperature correlation.After using this method to eliminate the temperature lag effect,the goodness of fit between the structural deformation monitoring data and the temperature data can reach 0.99.Compared with the Fourier series method,this method has a better effect in eliminating the temperature lag effect in the structural deformation monitoring data.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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