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In order to investigate the effect of the screw diameter of planted bars and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) pouring method on the shear behavior of normal reinforced concrete (NRC) and UHPC, two groups of six push-out specimens were designed for shear behavior tests.The results show that after the failure of the concrete bonding force in the NRC-UHPC interface,the screw can maintain shear behavior so that the failure process of the specimen after the load reaches the peak shows ductile characteristics.For specimens with screw diameters of 12 mm and 16 mm,greater screw diameter indicates higher shear capacity of the specimens and ductility after interface failure.When the screw diameter is 16 mm,the specimens in Group ZJ using the post-pouring UHPC layer fail in a mode of partial shearing off and partial pulling out.The ductility at the interface of the specimens in Group GJ using high-strength mortar as filling material is lower than that of the specimens in Group ZJ using the post-pouring UHPC layer in terms of the load-slip curve.Based on the experimental results,the shear behavior formulas of ACI,AASHTO,and FIB specifications are compared.The FIB formula,which considers both the shear friction and the bolt pin effect,can accurately describe the interfacial shear capacity of the specimens.Therefore,it is recommended to use the FBI specification to calculate the shear capacity of NRC structures reinforced with UHPC.

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February 2025


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