In order to ensure the safe,efficient,and economical completion of the construction of the high pile tied beam of Muping Xiangjiang River Bridge in deep water,a new type of single-wall steel suspended box cofferdam was designed to act as the water retaining and enclosure structure during high pile tied beam construction according to the characteristics of deep water level and shallow stratum cover layer at the high pile tied beam location.Through the innovative design of steel casing on the bottom of the steel suspended box cofferdam,the design height of the wall panel and the amount of steel input were reduced.On the basis of innovative design,the bottom sealing construction process was optimized.Different from the traditional full bottom sealing construction process of the steel suspended box,the new single-wall steel suspended box cofferdam only needed to pour the bottom sealing concrete in the steel casing,which greatly reduced the amount of bottom sealing concrete and saved the construction cost under the premise of satisfying the structural force and system stability.The stability of the whole structure system was enhanced by welding the stiffening plate on the surface of the bottom sealing concrete,and the safety of operation in water was further guaranteed.The construction effect of pile tied beams in water was good,which indicated that the new single-wall steel suspended box cofferdam was more suitable for the construction of high pile tied beams in deep water.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Jinlong, YANG; Lin, ZHAO; and Qunlong, JIANG
"Key Technology for Construction of New Single‑Wall Steel Suspended Box Cofferdam with High Pile Tied Beams in Deep Water,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 25.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.025
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