The Ⅵ level surrounding rock section of a project water intake tunnel is located in the coastal zone,with thick overlying sand layers,broken surrounding rock,and other characteristics.To address these issues,laboratory tests were conducted to explore the effect of water glass volume dosing on the final setting time and strength of cement-sodium silicate (CS) liquid slurry,and field tests were carried out for a comprehensive analysis of grouting methods.The constraint-dispersion mode was finally determined to divide the grouting area into several small grouting units.Advance plastic pipe grouting reinforcement was performed according to the grouting sequence of the outermost circle hole interval first,followed by the inner hole interval.The effect of core sampling and concealed excavation shows that the rock fissures are effectively filled and reinforced by surface pre-grouting,which reduces the occurrence of water gushing and collapse during excavation,ensures normal tunnel excavation,and achieves good economic and social benefits.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Ze, XIANG; Shiping, DENG; Zhang, SHENG; Ye, ZHOU; Wei, WANG; and Yabing, PEI
"Surface Grouting Reinforcement Technology for Shallowly Buried Tunnel in Coastal Zone,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 27.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.027
Available at:
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