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In order to study the influence of temperature on the absorbed bound water and deformation characteristics of high liquid limit soil,the high liquid limit soil in Hunan and Hainan provinces were selected for test.The influence of temperature on the content of bound water was measured by a temperature-controlled water bath volumetric flask test.The consolidation test was carried out on the samples with a one-dimensional temperature-controlled consolidometer,and the variation law of high liquid limit soil deformation affected by temperature was analyzed under the modified pore ratio considering the bound water content.The results show that the absorbed bound water in the high liquid limit soil decreases with the increase in temperature.Under the same load gradient and different constant temperatures,higher temperature causes greater deformation of the samples.At 15 ℃ and 45 ℃,the difference in the pore ratio of the samples is 0.1 at most.The same sample with stable deformation under the same initial load and temperature is found to deform again after heating up for three gradients with an interval of 10 ℃,and the deformation is up to 0.6 mm.The results can provide some reference for the compaction and deformation control of high liquid limit soil embankments.

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February 2025


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