In order to solve the problem arising after the demolition and closure of the lane separator in the same direction along the expressway,this paper systematically introduced the reconstruction method of the lane separator in the same direction by studying the overhaul project along Zhengzhou-Luoyang section of Lianyungang‒Khorgos Expressway.The paper explored the main diseases and potential safety hazards existing in the lane separator in the same direction by checking the compliance of specifications,analyzing the traffic operation status,exploring the characteristics of traffic accidents,and investigating the traffic safety facilities.On this basis,it demonstrated the feasibility of demolishing the lane separator in the same direction.According to the results of previous investigation,analysis,and demonstration,the corresponding disposal measures were put forward from the aspects of lane division,crown slope,path guidance system improvement,and road closure and bridge closure with lane separators,which solve a series of problems existing in the lane separator in the same direction along the expressway.
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Submission Date
February 2025
Recommended Citation
Nan, ZHANG; Xiang, JI; and Gang, MA
"Research and Practice on Demolition of Lane Separator in Same Direction along Zhengzhou‒Luoyang Section of Lianyungang‒Khorgos Expressway,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 30.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.030
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