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In order to solve the problem of vehicle queuing overflow caused by the mismatch between the expressway toll stations and the capacity of plane intersections,the formula for calculating the maximum queue length was given by analyzing the traffic operation characteristics between toll stations and plane intersections and considering vehicles ’ lane-changing behavior.Due to the strong coupling of the traffic operation between toll stations and plane intersections caused by a short distance between them,a unified linkage control optimization model was established.The research shows that if the queue length in the connecting direction of the plane intersections exceeds the allowable maximum queue length,some vehicles find it difficult to find a suitable lane-changing opportunity and thus will stop and wait,which affects the stable operation state of the toll stations and plane intersections.Compared with the conventional control,the linkage control reduces the average vehicle delay by 6.48%,13.43%,and 10.46% in three traffic schemes (schemes 2,4,and 6) respectively.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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