In order to explore the respons e characteristics of steel tube batter piles with concrete infill under vertical load,the steel tube batter pile with concrete infill used in Saribas Bridge in Malaysia was taken as the research object.Based on the numerical simulation method,the frictional resistance of the inner and outer walls of the steel tube,the frictional resistance around the pile at the section,and the bending moment bearing ratio between the steel tube and the concrete core of this type of batter pile under vertical load were studied.The results show that the passive-side frictional resistance of the 0–15 m pile section is greater than the active-side frictional resistance on the outer wall of the steel tube,but the active-side frictional resistance of other pile sections is greater than the passive-side frictional resistance.The frictional resistance of the inner wall of the steel tube is complicated,and there is a pile section with zero frictional resistance.The frictional resistance of the inner and outer wall of the steel tube at different sections shows a non-uniform distribution around the pile;the steel tube at the top of the pile bears a larger bending moment,while at 37 m from the top of the pile and at the end of the concrete core,the concrete core bears a larger bending moment,and the bending moment bearing ratio of steel tube and concrete core in other pile sections is close to 50%.
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Submission Date
February 2025
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Meiliang, YANG; Liemin, LI; Kunjiang, SUN; Rui, HAN; and Yang, ZHONG
"Working Properties of Steel Tube Batter Piles with Concrete Infill Based on ABAQUS,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 44:
6, Article 32.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2024.06.032
Available at:
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