

GE Dongdong, School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering , Changsha University of Science & Technology , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Engineering Research Center of Road Maintenance Technologies , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-Life Road Engineering in Extreme Environment , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , ChinaFollow
JIANG Xiangyang, School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering , Changsha University of Science & Technology , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Engineering Research Center of Road Maintenance Technologies , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-Life Road Engineering in Extreme Environment , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China
LYU Songtao, School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering , Changsha University of Science & Technology , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Engineering Research Center of Road Maintenance Technologies , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-Life Road Engineering in Extreme Environment , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , ChinaFollow
ZHANG Honggang, School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering , Changsha University of Science & Technology , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Engineering Research Center of Road Maintenance Technologies , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;National Key Laboratory of Green and Long-Life Road Engineering in Extreme Environment , Changsha , Hunan 410114 , China ;Guangxi Transportation Science and Technology Group Co ., Ltd ., Nanning , Guangxi 530000 , China
SONG Xiaojin, Zhong Teng Technology Co ., Ltd ., Changsha , Hunan 410036 , China

Corresponding Author



The application of waste tires in asphalt pavements can not only effectively reduce resource consumption but also significantly reduce environmental pollution.Crumb rubber could be obtained by processing waste tires and used as a modifier by mixing with asphalt through the wet process to improve the performance of asphalt.This paper reviewed the research progress of rubber-modified asphalt by wet process and discussed its preparation process,influencing factors of performance,and modification mechanism.By reviewing the relevant studies,the critical conditions in the preparation process and their effects on storage stability were summarized.Furthermore,the effects of rubber dosage,particle size,matrix asphalt type,and preparation parameters on the physical and rheological properties of asphalt were analyzed.The interaction mechanism between rubber and asphalt was revealed by spectroscopic analysis and microscopic morphology analysis.In addition,the synergistic enhancement effect of rubber compounded with other modifiers on asphalt properties was explored,which provided a useful reference for the further optimization and application of rubber-modified asphalt by wet process.Finally,the paper proposed future development trends and key research directions of rubber-modified asphalt by wet process in terms of preparation process,performance evaluation,and modification mechanism.

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February 2025


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