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In order to respond to the national strategy of energy saving and emission reduction and improve the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial waste,the influence of slag content,alkali equivalent,sodium silicate modulus,and water-cement ratio on the compressive strength of slag-fly ash geopolymers was investigated by single variable and orthogonal experiment method.The compressive strength of geopolymers was analyzed by combining XRD,SEM,and porosity.The results show that the gel formation is promoted with the increase in slag content,and the structure of geopolymers is more compact,which is conducive to the development of strength.After 28 days of standard curing,the influence of various factors on the compressive strength of geopolymers in descending order is as follows:slag content,alkali equivalent,water-cement ratio,and sodium silicate modulus.When the slag content,alkali equivalent,water-cement ratio,and sodium silicate modulus are 0.5,0.07,0.36,and 1.6,the compressive strength of geopolymers is the highest,reaching 78.84 MPa.

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February 2025


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