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In order to solve the problem of a sharp increase in construction solid wastes and insufficient utilization rate,this paper took slag-fly ash-based geopolymer as an inorganic binder,replaced natural gravels with recycled aggregates from construction solid wastes,and set urban road base layer as the target scene to study the mechanical properties of geopolymer-stabilized recycled aggregates at different contents.The results show that with the increase in geopolymer content,the maximum dry density of the mixture increases.The optimum moisture content increases.The unconfined compressive strength of the mixture increases with the increase in geopolymer content and curing age and decreases with the increase in recycled aggregate content.The variation law of splitting strength and compressive rebound modulus of the mixture is similar to that of unconfined compressive strength.It increases with the increase in precursor slag content,geopolymer content,and curing age and decreases with the increase in recycled aggregate content.

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Submission Date

February 2025


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